Alive to Thrive Introduction
Being alive in Christ also means that God is with us in our pain, in our sorrows, and in our everyday moments. We find this life through a trusting relationship with God. To thrive means to be free to be the person God designed us to be, in our strengths, talents, flaws, challenges, imperfections, and all.
When fifteen-year-old Marcos was released from a psychiatric hospital after attempting to take his own life, he started seeing a therapist. The therapist was Danny Huerta, a licensed clinical social worker who is now the vice president of parenting and youth for Focus on the Family. Huerta still remembers this boy from those sessions years ago.
After a few weeks of therapy, Marcos told Huerta something that every teen in crisis deserves to hear:
“I’m so glad now that I didn’t kill myself,” Marcos said, “because I see that life changes quickly, and I would’ve missed out on some pretty cool things. And I want other kids to know that life doesn’t stay the same forever, that it can have bounce.”
Marcos is right. When kids are down, it’s easy for them to think life is stuck there—that “down” is forever. In that state, their minds filter circumstances only in a negative way. But now Marcos realizes that “down” times can bounce to “up” times in a hurry. And he not only wanted to be alive for those “up” times, he wanted to thrive.
We want the same thing for every child, especially for those who may be thinking as Marcos did before his suicide attempt.
That’s why we’ve created Alive to Thrive. Its purpose is to equip you—parents, teachers, and pastors—to help your kids pursue healthy lives and develop resilience in response to difficult times.
For several years, death by suicide among children and teens has been increasing in frequency. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the suicide rate among teen girls recently reached a forty-year high.[1] The Dana Foundation reports that nine out of ten deaths by suicide have an underlying diagnosable mental health issue.[2] That’s a concern, because fifteen million children ages three to seventeen have a diagnosable mental, behavioral, and/or emotional disorder, yet only 3 percent of those young people actually receive help.[3] A person diagnosed with bipolar disorder, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, schizophrenia, or certain personality disorders has an 8 to 10 percent lifetime risk of death by suicide.[4]
We want to lessen that risk; we want kids alive—and we want them to thrive.
What does it mean to be alive and to thrive? If we look for the definition in the Bible, we learn what it means to be alive in Christ and to have an abundant and thriving life with Jesus. In John 10:10, Jesus tells us “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.”
Being alive in Christ also means that God is with us in our pain, in our sorrows, and in our everyday moments. We find this life through a trusting relationship with God. To thrive means to be free to be the person God designed us to be, in our strengths, talents, flaws, challenges, imperfections, and all.
God created us to be in a relationship. He wants us to experience pleasure, connectedness, safety, happiness, satisfaction, enjoyment, and love through healthy relationships. But as we all know, relationships can also include pain, emptiness, sorrow, betrayal, hurt, and suffering. We hope this resource will help you prepare your kids for those painful times of life. We want to equip you to do all you can to raise resilient kids, kids who can find their way back to the “bounce” in life and to an abundant, thriving life in Christ.
Alive to Thrive Is Different
Alive to Thrive is not the type of suicide prevention resource that simply offers the warning signs or helps you deal with the aftermath of a teen’s death by suicide. Alive to Thrive takes a truly preventative approach. We discuss issues that we know can lead to suicide, and we teach you how to address them long before your child might ever entertain thoughts of ending his or her life.
It’s for this reason that Module One begins with the best defense against suicide: preparing your children for healthy living. Building a good foundation for your children includes assuring a secure parent-child attachment, practicing self-care, providing loving discipline, and supporting your child.
Module Two, Module Three, and Module Four explain key issues that can set your child or teen on a trajectory (barely noticeable at the time) toward suicidal thoughts and actions.
Module Five describes the major behavioral issues that are red-flag warning signs of potential suicidal tendencies. These behaviors can push teens toward thoughts of ending their lives.
It’s Module Six where most suicide prevention programs begin—and where we discuss signs that your child may be suicidal, what to do when you suspect he or she may actually be suicidal, and how to respond when suicide crashes into your world and takes the life of your teen or a friend or acquaintance.
By starting where Alive to Thrive does, you’ll be equipped to notice “pre-warning” signs and know how to take action steps before the issues become serious. When you navigate a ship, making small navigational alterations from the beginning to stay on course saves the journey from becoming hundreds of miles long. In the same way, as you address issues early on, you can direct your children away from suicidal thinking before they find themselves anywhere near a destructive destination.
Looking at Difficult Issues
This guide delves into several subjects that may be hard for some parents to talk about. As parents, you’ll be challenged to reflect on your own childhood from time to time as well. In many of these discussions, the word trauma is used. To make sure we’re speaking the same language, here’s a working definition of this word:
Trauma comes from the Greek word for a wound. Trauma is any serious injury to the body or mind. Most often it’s the result of violence or an accident, which causes great distress, pain, anxiety, sorrow, affliction, or acute physical or mental suffering. Trauma throws the mind and/or the body out of balance: it causes us to become dysregulated. Dysregulation can thwart the brain’s ability to think clearly, perceive accurately, and develop fully. Two primary ways to wound, cause distress, or inflict trauma are to either do something bad to the person (abuse) or to fail to do something good for the person (neglect).
If your mind and body experience a difficult circumstance and still maintain their balance—or rebalances quickly after the impact—you are not traumatized. You may be hurt, but you’re not traumatized. You are what we call resilient. Resilience is the internal ability to regulate yourself so you can keep your balance or quickly return to it after losing your equilibrium. If you are resilient, your mind and body can return to a regular working order.
So is every unpleasant event traumatic? Will your son be traumatized if he doesn’t get a trophy at the end of soccer season? No. Trauma only happens when the mind or body is subjected to a negative impact so great that it’s unable to absorb the shock and loses its normal stability.
As parents, we can relax: Kids have great resilience, more so than many adults. With a little timely intervention, we can keep most of the painful and hurtful events our kids encounter from becoming traumatizing. The key is to recognize the issue quickly enough and offer wise bits of help and comfort.
No Perfect Parents
Parenting is hard and rewarding and painful and joyful: It’s a whole bundle of emotions, experiences, and challenges all mixed together. It’s a hard job, so let’s stop for a moment and make one important fact clear: You don’t have to be perfect as a parent—just good enough.
At no time in history has there been more pressure on us to be Super Mom or Super Dad, able to leap the tall buildings of child-rearing in a single bound, providing our kids with the best physical, spiritual, emo- tional, and intellectual support from infancy to young adulthood.
Hear this loud and clear: You do not have to be a super parent. You do not need to be perfect yourself, you do not need to do everything “just right,” and you do not have to “do it all.” Before there were books and YouTube tutorials on how to parent “the right way” (whatever that is), parents competently raised children generation after generation. In- formation is great, for sure; pressure from others or yourself is not.
This is not a you-need-to-do-more-and-need-to-do-it-right-all-the-time manual—it’s a use-what-you-can guide. Please keep that in mind as you read this. Make notes if you wish and discuss the ideas we offer, and then simply take what you can use and apply it. That’s it.
Our Hope For You
It’s our hope and desire that Alive to Thrive will help you head off any serious challenges that could lead your children into dangerous territory. We want you to become equipped with everything you need to help your kids find the life God has for them instead of looking for the emergency exit of life.
Eighteen licensed and highly experienced Christian counselors contributed to this resource. You’ll not only find information here to help you learn more about topics contributing to the devastating problem of suicide, but you’ll also learn practical ways to start important conversations with your kids. For more helpful information, videos, and re- sources on suicide prevention, be sure to visit May God strengthen and guide you as you help your children choose to be Alive to Thrive.
- “Quick Stats: Suicide Rates for Teens Aged 15-19 Years, by Sex –United States, 1975-2015,” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, August 4, 2017,
- Carl Sherman, “Seeking the Mental Roads that Lead to Suicide,” The Dana Foundation, January 30, 2018, _to_Suicide/.
- “Quick Stats: Suicide Rates for Teens.”
- “Seeking the Mental Roads that Lead to Suicide.”